POP-UP CARDS -- Stamp-a-Stack
You will make 10 Cards that have been per-cut and are ready to assemble.
It will be five different designs, two of each design.
Recruit a friend (someone I haven't met before) and you will both receive two extra complete cards.
Cost: $25 ($20 ** if you bring your own adhesive) per person for cards, snacks & fun!
Payment at door. :) I will have adhesive refills on hand that may be purchased for $4.50.
**at the first class you attend with me, you will be given your very own SNAIL adhesive, a $6.95 value for FREE.
When: Friday, March 20th 6pm
If you are unable to attend but would like a completed card set just let me know.
SIGN UP by emailing me at: mjcarrion@comcast.net
Shop my trunk show here: http://www.stelladot.com/ts/gcj56. Shop now through March 21, 2015. thank you so much! thank you to Almareena for bringing all the fabulous items to our craft event! If you are interested in hosting a trunk show please let myself or Almareena know.
Sale-A-Bration is in FULL SWING!
With every $50 (US) before tax and shipping, that you spend you get to choose a FREE Sale-A-Bration item!!!!
There are so many items you may choose from and my favorite is a FREE set of Blendabilities
- woot! woot!
See the Sale A Bration catalog here
Shop my online store 24/7:
Craft and the City WRAP UP ... CASED from my wonderful upline Ruth
See more and SUBSCRIBE to her blog HERE
Now that I've shared all the items I helped Michelle out with for her weekend, I thought I'd wrap up the weekend from my end of the room now :) I'll have my projects coming up in the coming weeks beginning Monday. They're so fun and cute! I'm not sure how/if I'll ever be able to part with them! Back to the weekend. I arrived early! I got there before Michelle, but I still had possession of the jars so I wanted to make sure that those were delivered before anyone else arrived so I made a plan to get there early. The candles were already set out (Michelle had done most of the set up the night before) So I went around and put them in the jars. There's so many awesome surprises just when you arrive! Michelle made the awesome skyline and posted our weekend schedule on it. We also got a cup with our 'apartment number' for the weekend in in, a notebook and some sheets of black and Melon Mambo cardstock to use in our own crafting! The taxi is our door prize slip.

Once I set out all the jars I went to get my stuff......unpacking was a lot easier and faster than packing. I brought an extra table this time and boy was I glad I did!!! It made everything so much easier. I'll be traveling with my table from now on!

Here's another look at my table all set up. It really stayed pretty neat the whole weekend. I think I have my spare table to thank for that :) Michelle also added the frames (mine is white on the right) when she arrived after I took my arrival picture. I used the notebook all weekend and sketched my punch creations before I made them.

Here's what I did with that extra table. I put it off to my right. It held all my ink, my paper cutter, markers and other fun stuff! I had all my blocks, DSP and embossing powders to my right too. See that amazing cup holder that hooks onto the table....BEST PURCHASE EVER! Michelle had a few of them to sell, I quickly grabbed one! There's also a trash can that attaches to the cup holder. Seriously the BEST PURCHASE EVER! I love mine and I'll also add it to the 'never travel without' list :)

Michelle's weekend was themed around the show Sex In The City, so her door prizes were shopping bags and shoe boxes. I didn't get a picture until they were half gone :/ She also always have lots of retired DSP and cardstock that she sells at these weekends. You can get a look at one of our snack stations there too. We were not going to go hungry this weekend! But it's ok because calories don't count at scrapbook weekends ;)

Michelle brings all her punches, dies and bigshots to the weekend. I love this perk! I can't image how many bags (and how heavy they would be) if I had to pack my punches. Plus she has a lot of retired ones that I no longer have and it's so fun to use them again!

Just about every die, framelit and embossing folder that you can image.....plus a few more!

Plus all those punches......oh the punches....... :) When our lunch or dinner is delivered the boxes of punches just gets put on the floor while we have our meals then they're put back the table when we're done. These weekends run so smoothly because Michelle seriously has it all together!

We always have a fun Pajama Party on Saturday night. It's so much fun, we get in our pajama's, do group photos and fun activities! It's also fun to get those strange looks from other hotel guests while we walk around the hotel in our PJ's :) This time Michelle did a live auction! She had lots of retired stamps and other products in bags that were numbered. Before the auction started we got a chance to look at all the bags and write down which ones we liked. We were given $5 of 'Michelle' dollars (dollars with her picture on them!) to start us off. Anything over $5 we covered. It was so so so much fun!!!! Remember those 'apartment numbers' from the first picture, those were our paddles for the auction. Seriously Michelle covers every single detail!!!! Michelle's daughter joined us and helped out at the auction. Here's Nikki bidding on something awesome!!!
There's so much more that I didn't cover of didn't get a picture of. I need to make a list of things to photograph. It always happens that when I get home and start creating this post I always think.."Oh I should have gotten a picture of that or that." Next time though! This weekend was so much fun! It snowed on Friday night and we woke to about 9 inches of snow on the ground, being in New Mexico most of it was melted by the afternoon. There were late nights and laughing, old friends and new friends and so much more that simply can't be captured in a single blog post. Everyone is making something different, some scrapbook, some make cards, some make jewelry or work on other crafts but we're all creative and the creative energy that flows through that room is evident by the end of the weekend when we're looking through stacks of cards, copying each other ideas or admiring finished scrapbooks. These weekends are refreshing and rejuvenating on soooo many different levels! I'm so blessed to know Michelle personally and to know the time and love that she puts into these weekends. Thanks Michelle! I know you're reading this somewhere. You're amazing and you make a difference in my life!!!!

This time I was smart....I brought an empty bag...well one I knew I'd empty by the end of the weekend. Thank goodness I did! Michelle went over and beyond with her giveaways this time! I normally take my 'after' photograph in my office on my desk, I had to move to the kitchen table because my desk was too small! Look at all the stuff I brought home!!!!!

There were bags and bags of stuff!!! There's a lot here, I'm not going to go over each item individually. The journal was a make and take. Michelle gave us the journals and we decorated them. I love mine. It's so glittery!!!! The Tiffany bag is another favorite of mine. I'm going to need some more shelves in my room to display some of this stuff!!!

My favorite gift of the weekend was the Alphabet Rotary Stamp. You'll see that as I begin to share my punch art creations over the next couple of weeks. I'm seriously in love with that rotary stamp and will keep it forever and always smile when I use it because of the fun weekend when I got it! It will also go onto that list of 'never travel without...'

Also new this time, Michelle took the time and printed out what products, supplies, who made what, for all the make and takes/give aways. I can't image how long that took. Well I know how long it would have taken ME! But it was so helpful to see what products were used so I could reorder them if I needed. It was a wonderful weekend and I'm sad it's over....but I'm already looking forward to the next one!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!
Thanks for looking, see you soon!!!!!
Shop my online store 24/7: SHOP NOW
Miquelita (Michelle) Carrion
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