While I was off recovering from being ILL, I was rolling around my home in my office chair (thank goodness for a one-story home) and I don’t really know where December went. Anyway, while I was “being still”, I decided to create a vision board. This is nothing new in my visionary mind, I have created one annually in my planner for many years now. I love how at the end of the year I would review and mark off all the accomplishments I had wanted to complete. However, I felt that it often got overlooked as I shuffled through to my calendar and my endless to do lists. In case you didn’t know I LOVE TO DO LISTS!!! I also have endless ideas and not enough time to complete them. I’m my own Pinterest board/card catalog in my head – ha! There is nothing wrong with dreaming BIG!
This year I decided to create a VISION board in my craft room. Something I would see often; my children and
friends would ask about it (which they already have, even my husband has taken a look and asked me about it) and it has given me an opportunity to share MY GOALS with them and I know it will keep me in
check for 2019. I’m
really working to be MINDFUL of ME! That
is what "being still" taught me in December.
The Vision Board is also a GREAT addition to my updated CRAFT ROOM (those pics coming next post, pinky promise).
The Vision Board is also a GREAT addition to my updated CRAFT ROOM (those pics coming next post, pinky promise).
First, I covered the brown push pin board with wrapping paper I had in
my closet. (FYI this push pin board has been used by so many) It’s a little busy, but I was
looking to use something I already had without spending a dime. I know I could have gone with Designer Series
Paper (DPS) ooooooo-aaaaaaa!!! Since I
have PLENTY! J I like to say I “upcycled” the push pin
board. Then with my circut I cut out 2019. I spent time planning what "I" really want
to accomplish this year and had some FUN in my craft supplies working on how to display my goals. I’m not showing
you my completely FINISHED board (some items are a bit personal ;-) ), but here’s an idea of
what I’m working on. I will tell you that I filled up my board and I know you wouldn't expect anything less of me. My friend Kim had a
fabulous idea of checking in with myself frequently vs. year end, so I am
thankful to be using some of her ideas.
I received a piece of scrapbook paper from my friend Linda at Craft
Weekend and I used it to help design my board. The pieces of paper were PERFECT in telling the story of my CRAFTY life. So I used the remaining pieces to decorate a banner on my dry erase board which is right
next to my vision board. I used some of my CRAFT WEEKEND gifts from my MOM, Louise, to hold the paper with brads. Louise is my adopted MOM who I adore and ALWAYS spoils me with PINK gifts. PINK is my SIGNATURE color! I LOVE PINK! January is her Birthday Month if you want to send her some LOVE.
ENJOY and thank you for reading! Please let me know if you
have any questions, I am always happy to share with my crafty sisters!
Please share this blog with your crafty friends and have them subscribe to receive future posts. You will see that one of my goals is to blog weekly.
That's right, it's SALE-a-bration TIME!Stampin'UPs biggest sale of the year!
From now until March 31, you can select FREE SALE-a-bration products for every $50 you spend.
The BENEFITS get even better for hosting a workshop or becoming a demonstrator and joining my team!

When you join Stampin'Up! the Demonstrator kit is fully customizable by YOU! During SALE-a-bration YOU get to pick $175 in product and pay ONLY $99 plus tax, NO Shipping & Handling costs. If you may choose to add on the new tote for ONLY $129.
Contact me to setup your workshop OR JOIN MY TEAM. :-)
Click on images to OPEN catalogs.
Would you like a hard copy of the catalog?
Email me and I'll send you one. mjcarrion@comcast.net
Use Hostess Code: E7BEVP7D
and I will send you some Happy Mail!
I have created a limited number of Paper Reference Pages and they are ready to ship! Don't miss out.
Read more about how to get yours HERE:
Read all about them here!

Join me! Let me know if you have any questions.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Miquelita (Michelle) Carrion
Independent Stampin’UP! Demonstrator
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